Two Weeks in Photo

This post may be a bit image heavy compared to previous ones.  I'm behind on posting, but at least I've still been taking my journey images each day.  These aren't in any particular order but I will give the theme and my thoughts below each one.  I'm leaving out a few days however, not because I don't like the images or anything but they just didn't resonate with me the way these did.  

The theme for this one was power.  I struggled with what to shoot for this image, but finally settled upon the weights.  Besides the obvious power strength training creates in the body, I chose the weights to represent so many things.  Often I feel a heavy burden of all the things I'm required to do and accomplish, be it daily or monthly or just in general.  Sometimes that weight is crushing.  I'm also struggling with my weight at the moment.  Normally I'm gung-ho ready to lose those holiday (let's just pretend I put them all on over the holidays) pounds at the beginning of each new year.  Not so much this year.  I know that I need to start strength training again.  I need to not let food, clothes, and emotions have power over me like they do.  I need to not let the things people say have power over me.  I need to find that power and confidence within myself. 

A recent part of the journey assignment was a two-day theme of "fire and ice".  We can get as creative as we want these assignments, but I knew immediately that one day would be a very "literal" interpretation of the theme.  Being a huge Game of Thrones fan, whenever I hear the words fire and ice in the same sentence, I think of this series.  Sadly I have yet to actually purchase a hard copy of these books.  I'm sure I will when the complete series is finished, and then I'll buy a boxed set.  But for this image I had to download the eBook version from the library.  It's how I read them initially anyway!  

I'm continuing my book journey this year as well, and as of this morning finished my fifth book of 2018.  I read a book called "Confessions of a Domestic Failure" and the one I just finished today was "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane".  The former was a rather funny but exaggerated look at motherhood.  I related to many parts of the book although not quite to the extremes of the new mom.  Some of the events I still relate to even though my kids are no longer babies or even toddlers.  It received many poor reviews and people weren't finding it as funny as I did.  Maybe they took it too seriously or related a bit too much to it.  Or maybe they're the perfect ones creating the perfect Pinterest-worthy meals and crafts the rest of us only wish we could.  

"The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" may be a children's book but that didn't stop me from enjoying it.  After all it was about a bunny...I mean rabbit.  Edward prefers to be called a rabbit!  It's a fantastic story about love, learning how to love and be loved.  I started reading the eBook version, but switched to a copy that my son received at school last year when his class read it.  I thoroughly enjoyed seeing his handwritten notes, circled words and sentence, and even a few post-it notes he'd written on throughout the book.  It was like reading it through his eyes as well!

Sundays are free days.  No theme or direction.  Just whatever we want to shoot.  The two photos above are from the past two Sundays.  You'd think it'd be easier to shoot whatever you want for the day.  But sometimes it's almost harder when you have no word to help nail down your purpose for the image.  I chose the first one to help represent one of my other New Year's resolutions.  I am making the effort to crochet at least weekly.  I started this project right before Christmas, and it is coming along.  I hope to have it finished in a few more weeks.  I'm sure there will be pictures when that happens.

The second one is our gentle giant.  He's my constant shadow when I'm home.  He will follow me around the house to keep tabs on me, but lays down and falls asleep almost instantly in whichever room I stop in.  It's not a sound sleep though because he's up and following again the moment I leave the room.  He's my baby even though he outweighs both my kids combined.  

The last image I'm sharing for today is the one I selected for the theme: tired.  Coffee is a necessity.  It's life!  Seriously.  There's nothing quite like holding a mug full of steaming coffee.  I don't like starting any day without it.  This happened to be the second pot I'd made that day too!  I spilled half of it on the counter before realizing I wasn't even holding it over the mug!   


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