Midwinter Break
I just finished my sixth book of 2018. This was one I chose just browsing the library's downloadable eBook collection. It popped up as a recommended and available book. I didn't want to wait so I took a chance. I liked the cover art, and frankly ::gasp:: I choose a lot of books simply based off their cover! It was a relatively slow read for me, but also the first eBook I've read this year. I prefer a physical book to hold, but there is just something so convenient about a digital book on my phone that I can read anywhere, anytime. Not that I don't usually have a physical book with me as well because I usually do. In fact I have two in the bag I carry around regularly, and one in my car! But standing in line at the grocery checkout, or waiting a few minutes before the kids get out of school, I can simply pull out my phone and start reading right then and there. I'd considered abandoning this book several times while reading it....